Volume No. 48 Spring/Summer 2001
23rd Jun 2011 Posted in: Canadian Poetry Press, Volumes 0

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] FRONT MATTER Title Page Copyright, Acknowledgements Table of Contents PREFACE On the Confederation Poets’ Companionship with Nature: Archibald Lampman by D.M.R. Bentley STUDIES A Preface for the Classical: Notes on the Art of Don Coles by W.J. Keith Mourning in the Burned House: Margaret Atwood and the Modern Elegy by Sara […]

Volume No. 47 Fall/Winter 2000
22nd Jun 2011 Posted in: Canadian Poetry Press, Volumes 0

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] FRONT MATTER Title Page Copyright, Acknowledgments Table of Contents PREFACE On the Confederation Poets’ Companionship with Nature: Contexts by D.M.R. Bentley STUDIES Ecological Aurality and Silence in Margaret Atwood by Stefan Haag From The Rising Fire to Afterworlds: the Visionary Circle in the Poetry of Gwendolyn MacEwen by Brent Wood The […]

Volume No. 46 Spring/Summer 2000
22nd Jun 2011 Posted in: Canadian Poetry Press, Volumes 0

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] PREFACE Al Purdy (December 30, 1918-April 21, 2000) by D.M.R. Bentley STUDIES Effacing “Mem’ry’s Page”: the Agon between Orality and Literacy in Adam Kidd’s The Huron Chief by Kelly McGuire Paddled by Pauline by Glenn Willmott Re-Membering the (W)holes: Counter-memory, Collective Memory, and Bergsonian Time in Anne Michaels’ Miner’s Pond by […]