[7 blank pages] [unnumbered page, includes illustration] [blank page] [illustration] BROCKVILLE Looking west on the St. Lawrence TORONTO HENRY ROWSELL. KING STREET [unnumbered page] [blank page] THE MAPLE-LEAF, OR Canadian Annual; A LITERARY SOUVENIR FOR 1849. There’s a language of flow’rs, understood full well, But the message of joy or grief; But the heart’s […]
[2 blank pages] THE DEFICIT MADE FLESH [unnumbered page] BY THE SAME AUTHOR Under the Hill A completion of Aubrey Beardsley’s unfinished romantic novel in its original form. [unnumbered page] Indian File Books: 9 THE DEFICIT MADE FLESH JOHN GLASSCO 1958 McCLELLAND& STEWART LIMITED TORONTO [unnumbered page] TO MY MOTHER Beatrice M. Glassco [unnumbered page] […]
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[3 blank pages] A GARLAND OF SONNETS [unnumbered page] [blank page] A GARLAND OF SONNETS BY CRAVEN LANGSTROTH BETTS In Praise of the Poets INGOMAR—Of what use are garlands? PARTHENIA—Their use is to be fair. Imprinted for and Published by M.F. MANSFIELD AND A. WESSELS, at 1135 Broadway, New York ANNO DOMINI, MDCCCXCIX. [unnumbered page] […]
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Sea Mist And Other Poems by Marion Isabel Angus [unnumbered page] Marion Isabel Angus Dec. 16, 1926 LP [unnumbered page] DEDICATED to MY MOTHER, whose unfailing sympathy and constant encouragement have greatly assisted me in my literary endeavours. [unnumbered page] [blank page] INDEX PAGE Sea Mist 7 Ships on the Horizon 8 Spring 9 Autumn […]
The Poems of Christina Willey [unnumbered page] [blank page] The Poems of Christina Willey Copyright, Canada, 1928 By Christina Willey. TORNOTO Findlay I. Weaver, Publisher 1928 [unnumbered page] Contents Grace for Joy 2 The Incarnation 3 O Thrush 4 My Lover’s Step 4 The Dial 4 Your Message 4 The Wanderer 5 Memoria Perpetua 6 […]
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[2 blank pages] MY SANCTUARY GARDEN [unnumbered page] [2 blank pages] [illustration] Alice Elizabeth Wilson [unnumbered page] MY SANCTUARY GARDEN By ALICE ELIZABETH WILSON McCLELLAND AND STEWART PUBLISHERS — TORONTO [unnumbered page] COPYRIGHT, CANADA, 1937 by McCLELLAND & STEWART LIMITED, TORONTO [unnumbered page] To All Holy and Beautiful things, and in memory of Alice Elizabeth […]
[2 blank pages] COMFORT And OTHER POEMS By ALICE E. WRIGHT F. D. GOODCHILD Company PUBLISHERS TORONTO 1924 [unnumbered page] 1924 DEDICATION To my dear children and grandchildren these verses are dedicated with love and thoughts for their happiness. [unnumbered page] CONTENTS PART I PAGE COMFORT 11 WHY CHRIST CAME 12 THE TRINITY 13 POWER […]