Volume No. 57 Fall/Winter 2005
23rd Jun 2011 Posted in: Canadian Poetry Press, Volumes 0

Queer Desire Guest Editor Andrew Lesk [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] FRONT MATTER Title Page Copyright, Acknowledgements Table of Contents PREFACE Introduction by Andrew Lesk STUDIES “The Asymmetrical Geography of My Heart”: Forms of Queer Diasporic Desire in Anurima Banerji’s Night Artillery by Proma Tagore Refraining from Desire: Trish Salah’s “Ghazals in Fugue” by Malcolm Woodland […]

Volume No. 56 Spring/Summer 2005
23rd Jun 2011 Posted in: Canadian Poetry Press, Volumes 0

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] FRONT MATTER Title Page Copyright, Acknowledgements Table of Contents PREFACE Rummagings, 3: A.M. Klein’s The Rocking Chair and Other Poems and Gabrielle Roy’s Bonheur d’occasion by D.M.R. Bentley **Note: The previous numbers of “Rummagings” appear in Canadian Poetry 51, 53, and 54. STUDIES “Speak to One Another with Psalms”: the Unity […]