[blank page] Leaves Original Poems By Rev. Hamilton Wigle [unnumbered page] [blank page] AUTUMN LEAVES. IT seems to me that leaves can talk: I hear them whisper as I walk Along and crunch them ‘neath my feet; Their very death-notes rise to greet Me with their plaintive wails and sighs,— So like the swan that, […]
[5 blank pages] CANADA THE SPELLBINDER [unnumbered page] [blank page] [unnumbered page, includes illustration: Salmon Fishing in the Far West (MORICETOWN, BRITISH COLUMBIA)] CANADA THE SPELLBINDER BY LILIAN WHITING WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS IN COLOUR AND MONOTONE LONDON & TORONTO J. M. DENT & SONS LTD. MCMXVII [unnumbered page] [blank page] TO CHARLES MELVILLE HAYS whose […]
[5 blank pages] POEMS [unnumbered page] [2 blank pages] [unnumbered page, includes illustration: THE FRAIL CANOE WITH ITS VALIANT TWO.] TALES OF THE PORCUPINE TRAILS BY W. MILTON YORKE THE MUSSON BOOK COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, CAN. LONDON, ENG. [unnumbered page] COPYRIGHT, CANADA, 1911 BY THE MUSSON BOOK COMPANY, LIMITED [unnumbered page] DEDICATED TO THE sons […]
[blank page] Echoes of Empire BY MARGARET G. YARKER (TORONTO) TORONTO: WILLIAM BRIGGS 1900 [unnumbered page] Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand nine hundred, by MARGARET G. YARKER, at the Department of Agriculture. [unnumbered page] DEDICATED TO The Canadian Contingents; TO THE GLORIOUS MEMORY OF THOSE […]
[blank page] THERE IS A GOD; WITH OTHER POEMS. BY A. J. WILLIAMSON. “Sure, there’s a righteous God, Nor is Religion vain; Thought men of vice may boast aloud, And men of grace complain.” TORONTO: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE, NO. 9, WELLINGTON BUILDINGS, KING STREET. J. H. LAWRENCE, PRINTER. MDVIIIXXXIX. […]
[blank page] LITTLE JOHN BULL And other Poems by DAISY McLEOD WRIGHT BOSTON THE GORHAM PRESS 1915 [unnumbered page] Copyright, 1915, by Daisy McLeod Wright Some of the poems printed here are republished through the courtesy of The Philadelphia Farm Journal, The Westminster and the Canadian Century, in which they originally appeared. THE GORHAM PRESS, […]
POEMS OF ARMAGEDDON By A.M. W. and E. P. F. Alice M. Winlow and E. P. Fewster VANCOUVER SUN JOB PRINT 1914 [unnumbered page] [blank page] WELL DONE, BELGIUM O, PEOPLE of the Belgian land, E’en as ye met great Caesar’s hosts So now ye meet the Hun. Fronting his horrid swarms ye stand Undaunted, […]
[3 blank pages] SONGS UNBIDDEN By The PROSPECTOR VICTORIA PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO. Victoria, B.C. [unnumbered page] [blank page] Foreword This little book of verse is fraternally dedicated to prospectors everywhere, whether they travel over the burning sands of the southern deserts, “mush” across the frozen tundras of the far North, penetrate along the […]
[blank page] SELECT PATHETIC AND THRILLING POEMS PAMPHLET FORM BY WILLIAM SHIRE WILSON JULY 29TH, 1914 HAMILTON, ONTARIO PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EACH [unnumbered page] [blank page] LOVE FOR GOD. The elements of emotion of human heart Echo and re-echo with throbs of joy, happiness surpassed. The name of God when spoken stirs the heart and […]