
New Songs by Margaret Bossance Boreham [unnumbered page] [blank page] NEW SONGS There are no songs to sing I’ve sung them all, The songs of Joy and Pain; And I would fain A new song to you bring. A blackbird’s call, A thrush’s cheery trill, The babbling rill— The carillons that from tall towers ring— […]

21st Aug 2015 Posted in: Modernist Canadian Poets 0

Songs of the Road… [illustration] MARGARET BOSSANCE BOREHAM [inscribed] Best Wishes Margaret B. Boreham [unnumbered page] [blank page] THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY The winding road to Yesterday leads through the Vale of Tears, And o’er the hill where stands; a cairn to hopes of all the years; And yet, could we our steps retrace, as […]