Volume No. 67 Fall/Winter 2010
24th Jul 2015 Posted in: Canadian Poetry Press, Volumes 0

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] FRONT MATTER Title Page Acknowledgements, Copyright Table of Contents PREFACE Barbara Pell: In Memoriam by Janice Fiamengo and David A. Kent DOCUMENTS A Masque for Barbara by David Lyle Jeffrey [/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””] STUDIES Barbara Pell and the Christianity and Literature Study Group by Deane Downey Stephen Leacock’s Satire […]

Volume No. 66 Spring/Summer 2010
24th Jul 2015 Posted in: Canadian Poetry Press, Volumes 0

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] FRONT MATTER Title Page Acknowledgements, Copyright Table of Contents PREFACE Rummagings, 9: Charles G.D. Roberts’s Tantramar: Towards a Theory of the Literary Possession of Place and Its Implications **Note: The previous numbers of “Rummagings” appear in Canadian Poetry 51, 53, 54, 56, 58, 61, 63, and 65. by D.M.R. Bentley [/wpcol_1half] […]