ANONYMOUS POEMS AMHERST GAZETTE ELECTRIC POWER PRINTING HOUSE, AMHERST, N. S. 1889. [unnumbered page] [blank page] PREFACE The following poems were not written with a view to publication,—although some of them have appeared in newspapers—but were composed as a relaxation from other, and more prosaic, duties, and are not now printed for the public to […]
[blank page] AN ODD MAN’S STORY. BY ISIDORE G. ASCHER, AUTHOR OF ‘An Old Maid’s Confession,’ ‘A Miser’s Story,’ ‘Voices from the Hearth,’ etc. “I will a round, unvarnish’d tale deliver Of my whole course of love.’ SHAKESPEARE. LONDON: ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER ROW. MONTREAL: WM. FOSTER BROWN AND CO. 1889. [unnumbered page] [blank page] […]