Canadian Poetry Journals/Scholarship

[peekaboo name=”canlit” onshow=”Canadian Literature: A Quarterly of Criticism and Review” onhide=”Canadian Literature: A Quarterly of Criticism and Review” start=”hidden”]

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CanLit Homepage

Canadian Literature, one of the foremost authorities on Canadian authorship, provides a variety of online resources: selected reviews and editorials, an index for each issue, and information about journal submissions and subscription.


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The Contemporary Verse 2, designed to promote CV2 and to be a poetry destination on the web, this site provides excerpts from current and back issues, writing tips, and links to other poetry, writing and literature sites.


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ECW Online

The homepage of Essays on Canadian Writing, a journal devoted to the publication of “lively, controversial, scholarly articles on writing from English Canada and Québec,” is, in large part, a database of article abstracts from both current and back issues.


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A Web Journal of Contemporary Canadian Poetry and Poetics (UNBC)

The mandate of It’s Still Winter is to facilitate the accessibility of contemporary Canadian poetry; thus, the full complement of the journal’s issues is published in full on the Web.


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A Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory

Founded in 1965, Open Letter is a journal of critical and theoretical discussions of poetics and Canadian culture, written primarily by Canadian writers and artists.


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Prism Homepage (UBC)

Prism is a quarterly magazine out of Vancouver that publishes contemporary writing and translation from Canada and around the world, with a particular interest in fiction and poetry. Prism keeps its electronic editions online for one year.


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SCL: Online Issues (UNB)

SCL/ÉCL is a biannual, bilingual journal devoted to the study of Canadian literature in both English and French. Each issue from 1976 to 1997 is published online in its entirety, and index pages are available for more recent issues.


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Canadian Writing on the Net

Treeline is published electronically on a quarterly basis, and seeks, as its primary mandate, to promote and distribute all forms of Canadian art and literature.


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The Canadian Small Press Scene
The Danforth Review is an online magazine devoted to fiction, poetry, essays, and reviews of Canadian literature. It provides a more independent, underground perspective on the Canadian literary landscape.
