The Year's Work in Canadian Poetry Studies: 1982
In the following bibliography of criticism on English-Canadian poetry published in
1982, journal articles have been summarized or abstracted according to the requirements
imposed by the nature of the material. Full-length studies and interviews have also been
included, generally without summational comment.
The annotated checklists of the year's work in Canadian Poetry Studies for 1976, 1977,
1978, 1979, 1980, and 1981 can be found in Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 of Canadian Poetry.
Bentley, D.M.R. "The 'Lone Shieling' Stanza of 'The Canadian BoatSong.' " Essays
on Canadian Writing, no. 23 (Spring 1982), 163-167
Bentley attempts to establish the sense of memory implicit in the 'Lone Shieling'
stanza and expands this through textual analysis to articulate larger cultural meanings.
Gingell-Beckmann, Susan. "Joseph Howe's Acadia: Document of a Divided
Sensibility." Canadian Poetry, no. 10 (Spring/Summer 1982), 18-31.
The article finds a dichotomy of attitude toward the Indian in theme, approach and
style, as Acadia's vacillation in perspective between a colonial and native
sympathy yields to more subtle stylistic discriminations. The juxtaposition of historical
events seen from dual perspectives leads finally to an ambivalence of intent.
Goldie, Terry. "The Aboriginal Connection: A Study of Tecumseh by Charles
Mair and 'The Glen of Arrawatta' by Henry Kendall." World Literature Written in
English, 21:2 (Summer 1982), 287-297.
Constructs a comparative analysis of Mair's Tecumseh and Australia's "The
Glen of Arrawatta" by Kendall, suggesting similar difficulties in colonial experience
and visions of national development. Contrasting views of aboriginal peoples point out
aspects of romanticism in ambivalent reactions to native peoples. While the Canadian poem
seeks to emphasize personal (and therefore cultural) heroism, Kendall's poem portrays the
native peoples as malevolent forces within a hostile landscape.
MacDonald, Mary Lu. "An Index to the Literary Garland Updated." Papers
of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 19 (1980), [79]-83.
Provides a notation of some items omitted or unattributed in Mary Markham Brown's An
Index to the Literary Garland (1962), qualifying the use of the Index as a
primary research tool.
Vincent, Thomas, and Ann LaBrash, comps. The Acadian Magazine 1826-1828: Contents
Report and Index. Kingston: Royal Military College of Canada, 1982. (Occasional
Papers of the Department of English, R.M.C., 5) [v], 39 pp.
----------. The Nova-Scotia Magazine 1789-1792: Contents Report and Index. Kingston:
Royal Military College of Canada, 1982. (Occasional Papers of the Department of English,
R.M.C., 4) [v], 119 pp.
----------. The Provincial, or Halifax Monthly Magazine 1852-1853: Contents Report
and Index. Kingston: Royal Military College of Canada, 1982. (Occasional Papers of
the Department of English, R.M.C., 6) [v], 35 pp.
Ware, Tracy. "George Longwore's The Charivari: A Poem 'After the Manner
of Beppo.' " Canadian Poetry, no. 10 (Spring/Summer 1982), 1-17.
Ware discusses the poem in terms of Longmore's layering of complexities among its
various allegorical strata. In a discrimination between the literal and the literary
suggested by the full title, The Charivari, or Canadian Poetics, the essay shows
how the dynamics of Byronic satire are enacted within a specifically Canadian context,
extending to a political consideration of the Union Bill of 1822.
Bentley, D.M.R. "A Thread of Memory and the Fabric of Archibald Lampman's 'City of
the End of Things.'" World Literature Written in English, 21:1 (Spring
1982), 86-95.
An attempt to rescue "City of the End of Things" from critical
misunderstanding, Sutherland's Lampman-Poe connection is expanded to consider the
influence of Wordsworth's Excursion and Lampman's own creative independence.
----------. "Watchful Dream and Sweet Unrest: An Essay on the Vision of Archibald
Lampman, Part II." Studies in Canadian Literature, 7:1 (1982), 5-26.
Bentley illuminates Lampman's qualified pastoral in terms of a human focus through the Among
the Millet poems, drawing a correspondence between the narcotic of poetic reverie in
"The Frogs" sequence and the tale "Hans Fingerhut's Frog Lesson" in
its innocent receptivity to nature. Both responses require the corrective of a mature
social vision to attain the perspective of natural cyclicality articulated in the volume's
pivotal poem, "Among the Timothy."
Boone, Laurel. "Wilfred Campbell Reconsidered." Canadian Literature, no.
94 (Autumn 1982), 67-82.
Essay places Campbell in the intellectual and political context which Boone feels is
necessary for proper consideration of the poet's work. Campbell's vision of the poet's
mission as "seer" and "singer" dictated his adherence to conventional
form and extended his sense of inspirational public purpose in the direction of imperial
Cockburn, R.H. "A Note on the Probable Source of Duncan Campbell Scott's 'The
Forsaken.'" Studies in Canadian Literature, 7:1 (1982), 139-140.
A note suggesting that Scott had likely encountered the Anderson/Seton report of
maternal sacrifice which was recorded in "The Forsaken."
Farmiloe, Dorothy. "Isabella Valancy Crawford, Canada's Emily Dickinson." In Kawartha
Heritage: Proceedings of the Kawartha Conference, 1981. Eds. A.O.C. Cole and Jean
Murray Cole. Peterborough: Peterborough Historical Atlas Foundation, 1981, 127-135.
This hypothetical projection of the "two Emilys" expands upon biographical
similarities to suggest a poetic correlation in the evolving eroticism which links their
naturalistic imagery.
Lynch, Gerald. "An Endless Flow: D.C. Scott's Indian Poems." Studies in
Canadian Literature, 7:1 (1982), 27-54.
Lynch documents Scott's evolving understanding and compassion through the course of his
Indian poems. Assumptions of assimilation yield finally to appreciation of cultural values
likely to be sacrificed, as the tensions between official role and personal experience are
placed in the context of a larger poetic vision as they reflect the primitive contact with
Noonan, Gerald. "Phrases of Evolution in the Sonnets of Charles G.D.
Roberts." English Studies in Canada, 8:4 (December 1982), [452]-464.
Rebuts Pacey's charge of artificiality by citing the influence of Darwinian concepts on
Roberts' sonnets. Tracing a sense of organic rather than transcendental interaction with
nature, Noonan assents the poet's idea of science as a "probe into the soul of
things" which ultimately reconciles evolutionary and theological approaches to the
natural world.
Ross, Catherine. "Isabella Valancy Crawford and 'this clanging world.'" In Kawartha
Heritage: Proceedings of the Kawartha Conference, 1981. Eds. A.O.C. Cole and Jean
Murray Cole. Peterborough: Peterborough Historical Atlas Foundation, 1981, 119-126.
Suggests Crawford's Dantean aspects in terms of a struggle of oppositions in an
upward/downward spiral of experience, placing her roseate metaphor upon the locally
available waterlily as an icon rising to association with the Eastern lotus.
Bentley, D.M.R., and Michael Gnarowski, eds. [A.J.M. Smith Memorial Issue]. Canadian
Poetry, no. 11 (Fall/Winter 1982). [vi], 145 pp.
Entire issue dedicated to the memory of A.J.M. Smith including honorary degree citation
(Bishop's University, 1967) by Gustafson; critical studies by Stevens, Darling, Bentley,
Harvey, Norris, Morley and Edel; interview, memoirs, tributes and correspondence by
Heenan, F.R. Scott, Collin and Burke; review and bibliography by Stevens and MacLaren.
Bowering, George. A Way with Words. [Ottawa]: Oberon Press, 1982. 199
A collection of critical encounters with the poetry and personalities of Avison,
Reaney, Kiyooka, D.G. Jones, Red Lane, Kearns, Newlove, Wah, Atwood, Davey and McFadden.
Burke, Anne. "Raymond Knister: An Annotated Bibliography." In The
Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Authors, vol. 3. Eds. Robert Lecker and Jack
David. Downsview: ECW Press, 1981, 281-322.
Cameron, Brian. "Arc in Conversation with P.K. Page." Arc, no.
7 (Fall 1982), 49-60.
Caplan, Usher. Like One That Dreamed: A Portrait of A.M. Klein. Toronto:
McGraw-Hill Ryerson, [1982]. 224 pp., illus.
Includes selections from Klein's unpublished works.
Craig, Terrence, ed. "Frederick Philip Grove's 'Poems.'" Canadian Poetry,
no. 10 (Spring/Summer 1982), 58-90.
In the introduction to three of the four sections in Grove's typescript
("Thoughts," "The Dirge," "Landscapes," and "The Legend
of the Planet Mars and Other Narratives"), Craig qualifies the elegiac character of
the poems to suggest progressive development in Grove's sense of poetic persona.
Djwa, Sandra. "F.R. Scott: A Canadian in the Twenties." Papers of the
Bibliographical Society of Canada, 19 (1980), [11]-21.
Djwa reflects upon her biographical study of Scott and its leading her to his
self-consciousness in seeking vocation in law, politics and literature, reaching a sense
of the poet through his diaries of the period 1921-1928.
Edel, Leon. "John Glassco (1909-1981) and His Erotic Muse." Canadian
Literature, no. 93 (Summer 1982), 108-117.
In this reminiscence, Edel suggests that Glassco's vitality and exuberance find a
direct expression in the pastiche of "pornographic" prose, while his poetry
reflects a more formal classicism of style and a deeply elegiac tone.
Fuerstenberg, Adam G. "The Poet and the Tycoon: The Relationship between A.M.
Klein and Samuel Bronfman." Canadian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 5:2
(Fall 1981), 49-69.
Explores the creative interaction between Klein and Bronfman, considering Klein's
editorship of the Jewish Chronicle as the catalyst. Despite political and
temperamental differences, the two worked within a mutually beneficial relationship of
Handy, Francis. "The Influence of Imagism on Canadian Poetry, [I]." Watchwords,
1:1 (September 1982), 15-18.
Discusses the influence of Imagism on the development of Canadian modernism in the
early 20th century with reference to Knister and Ross.
----------. "The Influence of Imagism on Canadian Poetry, [II]." Watchwords,
1:2 (October 1982), 14-18.
Discusses Smith, Scott, Klein and Livesay in the context of precision of style and
immediacy of personal response.
Heenan, Michael. "Souvenirs of Some: P.K. Page Responding to a
Questionnaire." Canadian Poetry, no. 10 (Spring/Summer 1982), 100-105.
Page responds to questions concerning Montreal poetic movements in the 1940s,
discussing the establishment of the Preview and First Statement groups
and tensions between them. Acknowledging the importance of John Sutherland, she also
acknowledges other influences upon her own early poetry.
Klein, A.M. Beyond Sambation: Selected Essays and Editorials 1928-1955. Eds.
M.W. Steinberg and Usher Caplan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982. (Collected
Works of A.M. Klein) xxxi, 541 pp., illus.
Moritz, Albert. "From a Far Star: The Sweet Sanity of Miriam Waddington." Books
in Canada, 11:5 (May 1982), 5-8.
A personal profile of Waddington, focussing on her work's expression of "the
depths within common things" embraced by the human life-cycle. The discussion
explores Waddington's European Jewish tradition in the context of its Canadian expression
with reference to her endeavours in both social work and literature.
Orange, John. "Ernest Buckler: An Annotated Bibliography." In The
Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Authors, vol. 3. Eds. Robert Lecker and Jack
David. Downsview: ECW Press, 1981, 13-56.
"PCR Interview with P.K. Page." Poetry Canada Review, 3:3 (Spring
1982), 8.
Philp, Ruth Scott. "CA&B Profile: Anne Marriott--Poet of Prairie and
Coast." Canadian Author & Bookman, 58:3 (Spring 1983), 11-12.
Pollock, Zailig. "Errors in The Collected Poems of A.M. Klein." Canadian
Poetry, no. 10 (Spring/Summer 1982), 91-99.
Diagrams "errors" in Miriam Waddington's edition of The Collected Poems
of A.M. Klein (1974) in terms of omissions, dates, versions and textual errors.
Porter, Elizabeth. "Sarah Binks: Another Look at Saskatchewan's Sweet
Songstress." World Literature Written in English, 21:2 (Spring 1982),
Attempts to establish the Sarah Binks phenomenon as a vision of prairie life in the
homesteading period, reinforcing basic human impulses and personal recollections of the
early settlement of Saskatchewan.
Thompson, Lee Briscoe. "A Coat of Many Cultures: The Poetry of Dorothy
Livesay." Journal of Popular Culture, 15:3 (Winter 1981), 53-61.
Essay explores Livesay's confrontation with multiculturalism from her youth in a
class-defined Winnipeg through activity as a social worker in New Jersey and Montreal to
expanding concerns for the wartime plight of Japanese-Canadians, native peoples and other
ethnic, religious and regional minorities within the Canadian cultural mosaic.
Vanneste, Hilda M.C. Northern Review, 1945-1956: A History and an Index. Ottawa:
Tecumseh Press, [1982]. ix, 296 pp.
The work outlines the origins and evolution of the Montreal little magazine under the
editorship of John Sutherland and appends an index by author, title and subject.
[Wayne, Joyce]. "Q&Q Interview: Louis Dudek: 'Our mass society hasn't
developed any taste for the-finer things.'" Quill & Quire, 48:8 (August
1982), 8-9.
[Wayne, Joyce, and Stuart MacKinnon]. "Q&Q Interview: F.R. Scott." Quill
& Quire, 48:7 (July 1982), 12, 16, 18.
Whiteman, Bruce. "Raymond Souster's New Wave Canada: A
Bibliographical Note." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 20
(1981), [63]-65.
A bibliographical history of New Wave Canada: The New Explosion in
Canadian Poetry (1966) gleaned from letters written by Souster to Cid Corman during
the New Wave years, documenting issues and editions as well as circumstances of
Bartley, Jan. "An Interview with John Newlove." Essays on
Canadian Writing, no. 23 (Spring 1982), 135-156.
Establishes perspectives on Newlove's poetic preoccupations, influences, philosophical
direction, technique, literary associations and public role of the poet.
Cooley, Dennis. "An Interview with Don Gutteridge." CV II,
6:4 (August 1982), 37- 48.
A concentrically-structured interview which moves from the cultural aspects of
"border-town" living and Gutteridge's early poetic career to technical
discussion of poetic forms to an assessment of Gutteridge's sense of his own place as a
regional and national poet.
Fowler, Adrian. "Newfoundland Portia m the 70B: The Context."
CV II, 6:3 (Spring 1982), 5-8.
Focussing upon the oral and literary traditions of Newfoundland poetry, Fowler
introduces figures within the provincial cultural jlandscape and works toward establishing
their national cultural relevance.
Gervais, C.H. [Interview with David McFadden]. In Contemporary
Authors, vol. 104. Ed. Frances C. Locher. Detroit: Gale Research Company
Goldie, Terry. "Al Pittman and Tom Dawe: Island Poems." Studies in Canadian
Literature, 7:2 (1982), 200-213.
Goldie discusses the two Newfoundland poets in terms of a psychological insularity
reflecting a political and geographic isolation. This embodiment of universal modern
estrangement corresponds to spatial realities, as removal from "centres of
power" forces these poets back upon nature in its patterns of land-sea-air
interrelationships as models of integration.
Gutteridge, Don. "Local Colour, Communal Consciousness, and Loretta Lynn: A
Recantation." CV II, 7:1 (November 1982), 5-7.
An essay in self-definition, acknowledging the importance of regional consciousness as
a "dialect of the heart." Expansion to a broadened national sense, Gutteridge
suggests, was often a forced attempt to "be Canadian" through adherence to
received cultural hallmarks. Valid nationalism must finally derive from strongly-felt
local roots--and Gutteridge's poem addressed to Loretta Lynn pays tribute to this specific
self-realization in context.
Harasym, Sally. "Sally Harasym & Allan Brown: A Conversation." Quarry,
31:3 (Summer 1982), 86-92.
Harris, John. "Harvey Chometsky: The Power of Intimacy." CV II, 7:1
(November 1982), 54-56.
Harris suggests that the immediacy of an almost childlike attention to concrete detail
works to reveal complexities of language, concept and emotion in Chometsky's poetry.
Hines, George. Stephen Gill and His Works: An Eualuation. Cornwall: Vesta
Publications, 1982. 183 pp.
Bio-commentary on the full range of Gill's works, including novels, short stories,
critical works and two volumes of poetry, Reflections (1972) and Wounds (1974).
Ian Young: A Bibliography, 1962-1980. Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1981.
(Canadian Gay Archives Publication, 3) 58 pp., illus.
Jones, D.G. "Al Purdy's Contemporary Pastoral." Canadian Poetry, no.
10 (Spring/Summer 1982), 32-43.
The immediacy of Purdy's lyrics extends toward a spatial/temporal integration of locale
and the uniqueness of a sustaining, co-operative interaction with the specific landscape.
Local space is significantly personalized in the ambivalent pastoral of Purdy's own
homestead in Ameliasburgh, Ontario, and in his travels through various
personal-topographical excursions. Also published as "Un bricoleur parmi les
technologues: la vision pastorale de Purdy" in Ellipse, nos. 27/28 (1981),
Kearns, Lionel. "The Rationale of Stacked-Verse." Open Letter, ser.5,
no. 2 (Spring 1982), 21-38.
Kearns explains and provides examples to illustrate his own work in "stacked
verse," suggesting the qualities of rhythmic form available to this type of graphic
"Ken Lewis: Interchange with the Author." [Interview] Quarry, 31:1
(Winter 1982), 67-72.
Kishkan, Theresa. "We Cannot Hold Our Coming Through the World: The Poetry of John
Pass." Brick, no. 15 (Spring 1982), 8-14.
Discussion of Pass' seven collections of poetry published since the early 1970s,
suggesting the power and consequence of this largely ignored Canadian poet.
Lane, M. Travis. "Contemporary Canadian Verse: The View from Here." University
of Toronto Quarterly, 52:2 (Winter 1982-83), [179]-190.
Lane's examination of rhetorical structures reveals two analogies: "poem as
opera" and "poem as conversation," a distinction which permits Lane to
offer a presentational/participatory ground for analysis. Lane seeks to measure
characteristic possibilities and weaknesses of what he sees as four categories of
contemporary Canadian poetry: long dramatic narratives steeped in history and place;
meditative essays; proletarian lyrics with social orientation; and
"self-displaying" lyrics of poet-persona.
Lane, Patrick. "The Saskatchewan Presses." Grain, 9:4 (November
1981), 52-56.
Lane reviews the publications of two Saskatchewan small presses, Thistledown Press
(Saskatoon) abnd Coteau Books (Moose Jaw), discussing editorial policies both in terms of
their parochialism and substantial contributions in fostering the richness of regional
Lecker, Robert. "Bordering On: Robert Kroetsch's Aesthetic." Journal of
Canadian Studies, 17:3 (Fall 1982), 124-133.
Considers Kroetsch's aesthetic theory in terms of a "border metaphor"
suggesting enclosure as well as division between extremes: geographic, personal and
[McLaren, Juliet]. "Interview with Carolyn Zonailo." CV II, 6:1/2
(Winter 1982), 62-64.
[Moore, Kathleen C.] "Signature Marks & Burnt Pearls: An Interview with
Seymour Mayne." Athanor, 1:4 (December 1980), 6-23.
Mayne dilates upon his sense of poetic community in postwar Montreal, incorporating
personal reminiscence with a theoretical discussion of "Canadian Poetics" and
tracing the influence of a cultural relationship with Israel upon his own life and works.
Mulhallen, Karen, ed. Tasks of Passion: Dennis Lee at Mid-Career. Toronto:
Descant Editions, 1982. 247 pp., illus.
Personal reminiscences, critical commentary and appreciations by major figures in the
Canadian literary pantheon (Atwood, Gibson, Ondantje, Purdy, Symons, Engel, Layton, Cohen,
Coles, Egoff, Acker, Levertov, Bringhurst, Blodgett, Kane, Munton, Dragland, Bowering,
Grant, Macpherson). Also published as Descant, no. 39 (14:1) (Winter 1982).
Neuman, Shirley, and Robert Wilson. Labyrinths of Voice: Conversations with Robert
Kroetsch. Edmonton: NeWest Press, [1982]. (Western Canadian Literary Documents, 3)
xii, 246 pp.
Although revolving primarily around Kroetsch's fiction, these discussions implicate
both themes and techniques present in the poetry.
O'Riordan, Brian, and Bruce Meyer. "Working for the World to Come: An Interview
with Leonard Cohen." Descant, no.37 (13:3) (Summer 1982), 113-129, illus.
Paul, David J. "An Interview with Glen Sorestad." Watchwords, 1:3
(November 1982), 9-12.
"PCR Interview with David Donnell." Poetry Canada Review, 4:1 (Fall
1982), 8.
Pivato, Joseph. "The Arrival of Italian-Canadian Writing." Canadian
Ethnic Studies, 14:1 (1982), [127]-137.
Pivato explores implications of ethnic origin and identity in recent Italian-Canadian
writing, focussing on transformation of values and myths, problems of urbanization and the
ambivalences of status in a new culture. Bibliography appended, pp. 135-137.
Purdy, A1. [Interview with Milton Acorn]. In Contemporary Authors, vol. 103.
Ed. Frances C. Locher. Detroit: Gale Research Company, [1982], 10-12.
Ratner, Rochelle. "Voices of the Underdog." CV II, 6:1/2 (Winter
1982), 105-108.
Ratner sets forth the importance of the poetry of Atwood and Ondaatje as "models
of the extended poem" and offers her readings of major Ondaatje poems. The sense of
precision in imagery, documented in shorter works, is extended into consideration of the
integrating collagist structures of The Collected Works of Billy the Kid and the
multiple perspectives of Coming Through Slaughter.
Sorestad, Glen. "A History of Thistledown." Grain, 9:4 (November
1981), 57-58.
Documents the evolution and editorial commitments of this Saskatoon literary press.
Toth, Nancy. "Longspoon Press." CVII, 7:1 (November 1982), 60.
A descriptive history and discussion of the editorial emphases of the Edmonton
publishing house.
Ursell, Geoffrey. "A Brief History of Thunder Creek Publishing Co-op." Grain,
9:4 (November 1981), 59-61.
Reveals the editorial operation of the Thunder Creek Co-op which publishes Coteau Books
(Moose Jaw).
Woodcock, George. Letter to the Past: An Autobiography. Toronto: Fitzhenry
& Whiteside, [1982]. 329 pp.
Responding to the memory of Marie Louise Berneri, Woodcock constructs an autobiography
documenting his literary and political career to his return to Canada in 1948.
Atwood, Margaret. "Introduction" to The New Oxford Book of Canadian Verse
in English. Toronto: Oxford University Press,1982, xxvii-xxxix.
Looking back at the formative survey of The Oxford Book of Canad ian Verse (1960)
edited by A.J.M. Smith, Atwood defines specific distillations of the new edition in terms
of its contemporaneity, the dual impulse toward elegiac/satirical relation to a new
terrain, and the equally bifurcated transplant/aboriginal response to Canadian settlement.
Essentially a literary-historical overview, the "Introduction" suggests Atwood's
own perspective on the imaginative contours of the English Canadian literary landscape.
----------. Second Words: Selected Critical Prose. Toronto: House of Anansi
Press, [1982]. 444 pp.
An eclectic collection of critical essays from the period 1960-1982, embracing cultural
and political as well as literary issues. Among the consideration of Canadian poetry are
discussions of the work of Avison, Purdy, MacEwen, Reaney, Newlove and the author herself
Baltensperger, Peter. "Mythology of Landscape," CV II, 6:1/2 (Winter
1982), 76-77.
Spatial uncertainty, Baltensperger feels, has led to a tripartite mythology of the
Canadian landscape: 1) idyllic pastoral (Lampman, Carman); 2) suffering virgin habitat
(Birney, bissett); and 3) harsh unsympathetic world (Birney, Atwood). All three are seen
as cultural determinants deriving their synthesis of earth mother, victim and threat
through such poems as Purdy's "The Country of the Young" and MacEwen's
Bentley, D.M.R. "Drawers of Water; Notes on the Significance and Scenery of Fresh
Water in Canadian Poetry, [Part 1]." CV II, 6:4 (August 1982), 17-28.
Drawing metaphorical associations with linear movements in time, life patterns and the
traverse of landscape, Bentley traces the images of rivers in the anonymous "The
Falls of Montmorency" and in the poetry of Cary, Kirby, Bayley, Sangster, Harrison,
C.G.D. Roberts, Lampman, D.C. Scott, Ross, F.R. Scott, Avison, Hine, Marty, Wayman,
Musgrave and others.
----------. "Drawers of Water; The Significance and Scenery of Fresh Water in
Canadian Poetry, Parts 2 and 3." CV II, 7:1 (November 1982), 25-49.
The "fresh water vision" in Canadian poetry is extended to waterfalls and
rapids in Part 2, reflecting the sublimity of Romanticism in extremity of emotions. The
essay discusses Allan, Armstrong, Caldwell, Kirby, Hunter-Duvar, Sangster, Harrison,
C.G.D. Roberts, D.C. Scott, Birney and Kevin Roberts. Part 3 discusses the passive
expanses and vistas of lakescapes in the context of meditation and stasis with reference
to the poetry of Campbell, Lampman, D.C. Scott, Ross, F.R. Scott, Atwood, and others.
Duffy, Dennis. Gardens, Covenants, Exiles: Loyalism in the Literature of Upper
Canada/Ontario. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, [1982]. x, 160 pp.
Includes discussion of Loyalist influences and implications in the poetry of Kirby,
Mair, C.G.D. Roberts as well as more recent manifestations in the work of Lee, Purdy and
Laugher, Charles T. Atlantic Province Authors of the Twentieth Century: A
Bio-Bibliographical Checklist. Halifax: Dalhousie University Libraries, 1982.
(Dalhousie University Libraries and Dalhousie University School of Library Service
Occasional Paper, 29) [vi], 620 pp.
Includes "writers of both juvenile and adult poetry, fiction and drama" born
in or associated with the Atlantic provinces.
Livesay, Dorothy. "Our Utopian Tradition." CV n, 6:1/2 (Winter
1982), 10-11.
Livesay recalls the Simon Fraser University F.R. Scott Conference of March 1981 and
links the poet with Isabella Valancy Crawford in his concern with the dualities of the
hopeful utopian social visionary and the skeptic who must acknowledge human evil and
Norris, Ken, and Peter Van Toorn, eds. The Insecurity of Art: Essays on Poetics. Montreal:
Vehicule Press, 1982. 159 pp.
This collection of essays concerned with English-language poetry in Quebec goes beyond
manifesto to provide statements on craft and process (by Cohen, Dudek, Glassco, Gustafson,
Jones, Konyves, F.R. Scott, Layton, Solway and other prominent anglophone poets) which
expand cultural tensions to more resonant issues of poetic creativity.
[Smith, Douglas]. "Canadian Poetry and 'Transformative Power.'" Northern
Light, nos. 7/8 (Fall/Winter 1981-82), 75-78.
Responding to Patrick Lane's assertion that recent prairie poetry lacks
"transformative power," Smith extends this criticism to suggest a general
failure in Canadian poetry to integrate external perceptions with imaginative life,
viewing "process" poetry as often placid or involuted and borrowings from the
"Black Mountaineers" as essentially unadventuresome.
Surette, Leon. "Here is Us: The Topocentrism of Canadian Literary Criticism."
Canadian Poetry, no. 10 (Spring/Summer 1982), 44-57.
Declaring that Canadian literary criticism has rested generally upon cultural history
aimed at establishing a sense of uniqueness (or "collective genius"), Surette
suggests that critics from Pelham Edgar to Northrop Frye have promoted the view that
English writing in Canada is sundered from its cultural roots. More recent criticism
involves a near inversion, seeing the Canadian tension of "old" sensibilities
thrust into "new" environments. The search for definition collides with social
heterogeneity, regional attachments and thematic obstacles, suggesting the limitations of
considering culture to be the product solely of physical environment.
Mary Ann Jameson |