Many people and institutions have contributed to making the essays in this collection and the collection itself a reality. I am especially grateful to the other contributors for their fine essays and unwavering patience, and to the editorial assistants at the Canadian Poetry Press, particularly Jessica Coffey and Tara Stephens, for their computing and research work. My special thanks, too (and yet again), to Gerard Stafleu and R.J. Shroyer for their support and expertise on the design and electronic aspects of the collection and for their continuing contributions to the smooth running of the Canadian Poetry Project. To specify the ways in which numerous others have contributed to my essays in the collection would require several pages, so I must content myself with a mere list of their names and a general expression of gratitude: Normélia Beirão, Susan Birkwood, Christine Boyanoski, Julian Bowers, Kerry Breeze, Christopher Brown, Bethany Campbell, Wanda Campbell, David L. Clark, Glenn W. Clever, Thomas J. Collins, Patrick Deane, Cecily Devereux, Bev Dietrich, Stan Dragland, France Duhamel, Carole Farber, Lise Fournier, Carey Franklin, Paul Gifford, Hélène Godda, James M. Good, Richard Green, Michael Groden, Gwendolyn Guth, Gunther Hess, Michele Holmgren, Victor Howard, Shelley Hulan, Sheila M.F. Johnston, Maggie Kilgour, Anjanette Lacey, Gerald Lynch, John Lutman, Mary Lu MacDonald, I.S. MacLaren, John McDougall, Bruce H. McGauley, The Very Reverend James D. Merrett, Danny O’Quinn, Michael Peterman, James Reaney, Jack Schecker, Amanda St. Jean, Sarah Stevens, Jonathan Stover, Eleanor Surridge, Thomas E. Tausky, Brian Trehearne, Jeanie Tummon, Tracy Ware, Margaret Whalley, Michael Williams, Tracy Wynne, Lisa Zeitz, and J.M. Zezulka. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to the University of Western Ontario and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for their continuing support of my teaching and research and to Donn Ekdahl, the Director of Graphic Services at Western, for his generous help in securing funding for the publication of these volumes. Earlier versions of parts of some of my essays appeared in Ariel, Canadian Literature, Studies in Canadian Literature, British Journal of Canadian Studies, Recherches sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry, The Canadian Essay, Bolder Flights: Essays on the Canadian Long Poem, and Creating the Peaceable Kingdom, and Other Essays on Canada, and I am grateful to the editors and publishers of all these journals and books first for giving my work a home and then for allowing it to migrate to a different locale. Finally, I am more indebted and grateful than words can possibly express to my wife, Susan, and to our children, Michael, Simon, and Diana, for their continuous love and support. (The acknowledgements of the other contributors to the collection follow their essays in Volume 2.)