I wish to thank D.M.R. Bentley for first introducing me to the mystery of N.N., the pseudonym employed by John Strachan, and then inviting me to edit an edition of Strachan’s poetry. Bentley’s own contributions to the Canadian Poetry Press series have set a shining standard, and his encouragement, advice, and expertise have been invaluable. Douglas Leighton of Huron College has also generously contributed historical insight and attention to detail. I am grateful to the University of Windsor for the Research Grant that allowed me to bring this project to completion. The staff at the University of Windsor’s Leddy Library, University of Western Ontario’s D.B. Weldon Library and at the Ontario Archives in Toronto where the original manuscript is housed, were very helpful. Christopher Brown of the University of Western Ontario assisted me in tracking down and translating Greek and Latin epigraphs, as did Charles Fantazzi of the University of Windsor. I am grateful to all the incredible people at the Centre for Canadian Poetry, especially Kerry Breeze, Danielle Seiggel and Kathy Hacon, without whose efforts this edition could not have come into existence. I am also deeply grateful for the patience and support of my husband Sandy, and my daughters Piper and Tilly, who continually remind me, as Strachan puts it, that "solid joys can only spring / From that which interests the heart."



John Strachan

From a portrait by an anonymous artist painted in about 1820 and now in
the collection of Trinity College, University of Toronto (Trinity College
Archives P1098/0073)

Accept, ye Fair, these humble lays:
Tho’ rough the numbers, bright the theme.
Our muse lock’d up from classic rays
Aspires to no Poetic fame
But, like the Sun-fish on the main,
A moment flies and sinks again.