By Charles Sangster



     Dark-eyed one! when I first beheld thy face,
     My soul was gladdened.  Many years I’d sought
     A living semblance to the bright Ideal
     Imagination drew.  It was not all unreal,
     That pleasing dream, nor was it all a vision;


     For looking on thee now, my mind can trace
     A faultless likeness ’tween that form and thee.
     In my prophetic dreamings I had caught
     The true impression.  Angelo or Titian
     Could not have wrought a happier imagery;


     And less enduring—Theirs will end with Time;
     But mine—what human skill! what art sublime!
     Will live forever! theirs will cease to be,
While mind, in thee, will live to all eternity. [Page 232]