Duncan Campbell Scotts Emendations
As a result of the editorial intervention of Duncan Campbell Scott (see Introduction,
pp. xi, xviii-xix, xx, xxviii-xxix) the version of The Story of an Affinity
contained in The Poems of Archibald Lampman (Toronto: Morang, 1900), pp. 411-473
differs in a variety of ways from the manuscript version of the poem. The purpose of this
Appendix is to list the substantial changes made by Scott in his editionthat is, the
verbal substitutions and the numerous omissions, from single lines to long passages.
Changes in spelling and punctuation are not recorded here. In cases where a verbal change
is recorded, the wording in the manuscript and present text appears before the
] and Scotts wording appears after the ]. For example, the
entry I, 149 bountiful] beautiful indicates that, where the manuscript and
present text have bountiful" Scott has substituted beautiful. An
entry giving line number(s) followed by the word omitted means, of
course, that the line(s) so indicated in the manuscript and present text were omitted by
Scott in Poems.
I, 63-65 |
omitted |
I, 87 |
brothers] brother |
I, 149 |
bountiful] beautiful |
I, 154 |
coneflowers] corn-flowers |
I, 180 |
omitted |
I, 204 |
wide-planted] firm planted |
I, 288 |
and mind-enlargement for herself,] in mind, enlargement for
herself, |
I, 339-355 |
omitted |
I, 356 |
As Richard] And as he |
I, 365-371 |
omitted |
I, 433 |
but see] but Ive seen |
I, 443 |
their] her |
I, 505-545 |
omitted |
I, 546-547 |
Now when the men had finished, and were gone/Back to their
labour,] Now when the meal was finished and the men/Gone to their labours, |
I, 554 |
toil] toils See the entry at this line
in Textual Notes. |
I, 589 |
omitted This is probably a
printers error, for in place of the omitted line Now perfect noon with
not a single cloudthe Poems text repeats the previous line but
one The impulse of blind passion as of old. |
I, 599 |
coneflowers] corn-flowers |
I, 627-628 |
omitted |
I, 630 |
omitted |
I, 632-633 |
omitted |
I, 634 |
Met him with fixèd and inquiring eyes.] And met him with her
fixed inquiring eyes. |
I, 639 |
to her husband in their quiet talk] unto her husband in their
talk |
I, 661 |
true] truth |
I, 667 |
omitted |
I, 680 |
Of all together;] Of all the voices, |
I, 681 |
a few quiet words] a low Good-night |
I, 688 |
Rachel] Richard Although Scotts
substitution makes good sense, the Rachel of the manuscript has been allowed to remain in
the present text for two reasons: (1) Lampman may have intended to reify Richards
mother at this point by giving her a name and more of a role in the conversion of
Old Stahlberg to his sons plan; and (2) the additional Richard in II.
687-690 makes the passage slightly clum-sier and more repetitive. |
II, 3 |
hill] ril |
II, 42-43 |
bearing heavily in his hand/All that he owned omitted |
II, 95 |
silent] honest |
II, 103 |
her] the |
II, 117 |
dropped] drooped |
II, 135 |
Scott has revised this line to read: The newness of his altered
life returned |
II, 153-157 |
omitted |
II, 175 |
lightening] clearing |
II, 272 |
omitted |
II, 291 |
and change omitted |
II, 292 |
glorious] golden |
II, 317-319 |
omitted |
II, 322 |
yet] but |
II, 327 |
omitted |
II, 373-450 |
omitted |
II, 464 |
peoples] people |
II, 544 |
dawn-break] day-break |
II, 554 |
omitted |
II, 564-648 |
omitted |
II, 673 |
hands] hand |
III, 7 |
differing] different |
III, 62 |
heels] side |
III, 121-123 |
omitted |
III, 159 |
caution] passion |
III, 177 |
heard] knew |
III, 243 |
sprang] sprung |
III, 292-293 |
Between these two lines Scott has inserted III, 297: In his
great stature, noble and erect, |
III, 297 |
see previous entry |
III, 362 |
goldened] gladdened |
III, 483 |
unites] awaits |
III, 504 |
like cloud] like a cloud |
III, 662-663 |
legs, and thrust his quivering head Between his omitted |
III, 703 |
feet] steps |
III, 713 |
dreamless] dreamland |
III, 735 |
for] from |