Poems and Essays

by Joseph Howe




What is a Friend? A being who
    Through all the changes Time may bring,
E’en though our joys may be but few,
    Will still around us fondly cling.

Who on Youth’s bright and brilliant morn
    A dearer charm to pleasure lends;
Whose smile can sweeten and adorn
    Each gift that Heaven so kindly sends.

Whose approbation onward cheers
    Our souls in Manhood’s busy strife,
Through scenes of toil, and woe, and tears,
    Gilding the darkest shades of Life. [Page 138]

Who shares our joys if Fortune smiles,
    And shrinks not should she darkly low’r,
But with a hallowed balm beguiles
    The anguish of each trying hour.

And if we win a wreath from Fame,
    Whose heart with joy and pride will thrill;
And e’en through guilt, and sin, and shame
    Will shield, excuse, and love us still.

And when by Death we’re called away
    From all our joys and sorrows here,
Will often to our Mem’ry pay
    The tribute of a burning tear. [Page 139]