Poems and Essays

by Joseph Howe




Though but a few short days have flown
    Since down your cheek the tear drops strayed,
And round your neck my arm was thrown,
    And fond “goodbyes” were ling’ring said; [Page 102]

And though ’twill not be long till I
    Shall bound again to your embrace;
When joy shall light your hazel eye,
     And banish sorrow’s ev’ry trace.

At morn your look of love I miss—
    Your voice’s music all day long;
At eve your chaste and balmy kiss—
    The touching music of your song.

The silent pressure of your hand,
    Your spotless bosom’s gentle swell—
And wanting these, I long to stand
    Once more with their magic spell.

The Oak its branches flings on high,
    The lovely River rolls and shines,
The morning breezes softly sigh
    Among the stately forest Pines.

The Birds are pouring forth their lays,
    The wild Rose scents the balmy air,
And the bright Sun’s unclouded rays
    Are shedding beauty everywhere.

Tho’ grand the scenes, I tread the while,
    And fair the flowers o’er which I roam,
I long to meet your placid smile
    And sigh for Home—my happy Home. [Page 103]