Poems and Essays

by Joseph Howe



[Written for a lady whose only brother was about to sail on a long voyage.]

Farewell! my Brother, since ’tis so—
    Our hearts must bend to Fate’s decree;
But, when to brighter shores you go,
    And sunnier climes—still think of me. [Page 129]

When tost upon the stormy wave,
    Or when ’neath spreading Palms you roam,
Recall the kiss your Sister gave,
    And let it turn your thoughts to Home.

Where swiftly flew our childhood’s hours,
    When side by side we fondly strayed,
And culled Acadia’s simple flowers,
    Or, on the greensward, thoughtless played.

Where oft you’ve lain upon this breast,
    And often I’ve reposed on thine—
Where oft my lips that cheek have press’d,
    And yours have fondly dwelt on mine.

If I was sad,—my transient grief
    Whate’er its cause—was felt by you,
If you were pained,—’twas some relief,
    To know your Sister shared it too.

Still hand in hand, we roved along,
    Or sat beside our cheerful board,
Together heard the Linnet’s song
    Of love, at rosy morning poured.

Together pluck’d the Evergreen,
    And round our brows its foliage wreathed,
Together knelt, when, all unseen,
    Our evening orisons were breathed.

Together marked the billows’ foam,
    The southern gales would fling in air. [Page 130]
Nor dreamed I then, that far from Home
    The Wave my Brother’s form would bear.

But, since we part, farewell! farewell!
    Yet ere from my embrace you break,
To tempt the Ocean’s fearful swell,
    A Sister’s parting blessing take:—

Oh! may that Eye which beams above,
    Still watch your path upon the Main,
And, to the few you dearly love,
    Light you in Health and Peace again. [Page 131]