Many people laboured to make this edition possible, starting with D.M.R. Bentley, who was infinitely patient and informative at every stage. Thanks also to his assistants at the Canadian Poetry Press, Kim Brazeau, Danielle Seiggel, and Anjanette Lacey. Librarians and staff at the following were of much help: Queen’s, Bishops, McGill, The National Library, Carleton, Western Ontario, The Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library, and the University of Vermont. I greatly appreciate the guidance through town records and local genealogies that I received from the following Massachusetts sources: Historic Northampton, Smith College, Northampton Public Library, and Historic Deerfield. The following individuals were helpful in many ways: Joyce M. Banks, Edith W. Bradley, Anthony Davidson, Richard Green, Terrie Korpita, Fred Lock, Gerald Lynch, Mary Lu MacDonald, Ian MacLaren, Peter Neary, Jonathan Rittenhouse, Phil Rogers, David R. Proper, Peter Sabor, Grant Sampson, David Seale, Jiri Tucker, Darrin Westman, Glen Wickens, and Jeffrey M. Wright. My greatest debt is to my wife, Brenda Reed, the most helpful librarian of them all. [Page vii]